2023. május 14.
CACIB Ada, Serbia
E.JW HJCH HR.CH STONEHAVEN PRIDE KISS FROM TUSCANY “Pepsi” won CAC CACIB BOS today and with this, she completed not just the SERBIAN CHAMPION but also the INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION title at the age of 2,5 years!
While Pepsi finished, someone has just started his International title: HJCH TORRINO PRIDE ROCK “Parker” (Alessandra Montini) won CAC CACIB and BEST OF BREED!!
2023. május 6-7.
Avoise, ENE France
We enjoyed this most important collie event very much, where 180 collies were entered. It was great to spend these 2 days with collie enthusiast friends from all around Europe, chatting, laughing, eating and drinking and talking about our gorgeous breed, seeing many many wonderful collies in life whom we had just seen in photos before!
Icing on the cake our dogs did also well on this very important show:
Int.Ch HCh HGCh HShCh HJCh HVCh V.WW V.EW SCOTTLYME MIDAS TOUCH "Midas" won the veteran class of 4 males and was also chosen to the BEST VETERAN in breed. As he also produced a 100% TAN (character test) with this wonderful result he completed the requirements of the FRENCH VETERAN CHAMPION title!
HJCh TORRINO PRIDE ROCK "Parker" (Gb.Ch Beldones Tom Wood - Torrino Gossip Girl) won the intermediate class of 9 males. He presented himself first class.
HJCh HCh HShCh STONEHAVEN PRIDE JUST ONE TOUCH "Selena" (Ch. Scottlyme Midas Touch x Ch. Stonehaven Pride Heavenly Touch) who is just getting back to coat 8 months after her litter, has got the 11th place in the huge open class of 37 females with a lovely critique of the judge Mr. Andre Scott (UK, Chantique)
2022. október 30.
AAPKK DOUBLE SPECIAL "The Great Gatsby" Show 2022
OMG what a mega-tiring day it was but really worth it!!!
Morning: open class CAC BOB and RESERVE BEST IN SHOW!
Afternoon: open class CAC BOB aaaaand BEST IN SHOW!!!!
Morning: veteran class CAC and Best Veteran, RESERVE VETERAN BIS, PROGENY GROUP WINNER with his 3 sons from 3 different litters (Ch. Tamira's Miracles A Question of Time, HCh Stonehaven Pride Born To Be Magic, Stonehaven Pride I'm Your Valentine)
Afternoon: veteran class CAC and Best Veteran, RESERVE VETERAN BIS, PROGENY GROUP WINNER again!
HJCH TORRINO PRIDE ROCK "Parker" (co-owner Alessandra Montini)
Morning: intermediate class CAC
Afternoon: intermdiate class CAC
STONEHAVEN PRIDE I'M YOUR VALENTINE "Jasper", son of Midas and Fridens Bugatti, owned by Éva Böcsödi won CAC in open class on both shows.
STONEHAVEN PRIDE BORN TO BE MAGIC "Potter" son of Midas and Ch. Born To Be Your PS I Love You, owned by Bernadett Bóna got R.CAC in champion class on both shows.
TAMIRA'S MIRACLES A QUESTION OF TIME "Dastan" (son of Midas, bred and owned by Alexandra Tibold won CAC and BOS on both shows and won the BOS BEST IN SHOW in the morning!
And not forgetting Midas wonderful granddaughter, daughter of Stonehaven Pride Gentle Love, LUCKY LAKE PRIDE FEMME FATALE "Tiffany" (bred by Нина Аксёнова, owned by Brigitta Tibold) won HPJ and Best Junior in the morning.
2022. június 11.
TCA Club Show, Genk, Belgium
HJCh E.JW STONEHAVEN PRIDE KISS FROM TUSCANY “Pepsi” (Int.Ch It.Ch Pensiero Stupendo Della Buca Delle Fate - HJCh Fridens Bugatti) intermediate class winner, CAC Best Bitch, BOB and finally BEST IN SHOW!!!
TORRINO PRIDE ROCK “Parker” (GB.Ch Beldones Tom Wood - Torrino Gossip Girl) junior class winner, Best Junior and JUNIOR BEST IN SHOW!!! Co-owner Alessandra Montini
Multi Ch STONEHAVEN PRIDE HARD ROCK “Rocky” (Int.Ch Riverside Song Rock My Worl - Int.Ch Stonehaven Pride Gentle Touch) champion class winner and R.CAC = 2nd best male!!
Multi Ch STONEHAVEN PRIDE GENTLE TOUCH “Tina” (Int.Ch Scottlyme Midas Touch - HGCh Born To Be Your PS I Love You champion class winner and R.CAC = 2nd best bitch after our Pepsi!!
Thank you Hannah Walder for the incredible critiques and wonderful results of our dogs. Pepsi's critique surely deserves a frame on the wall!