Válasszon nyelvet
2024. december 14.
És sikerült!!! Rocky a BELGIAN CHAMPION!
2024. november 30.
The last show for this year, but we enjoyed it so much, it was really great fun! A long and tiring day but it was a great party! We participated with our two Rocky daughters:
2024. november 17.
Rocky's stay in Belgium starts promising! EURODOGSHOW Kortrijk
2024. november 2.
Csodálatos híreket kaptunk ma Esztergomból!
2024 szeptember 30.
EJW IntCh HCh HGCh HJCh SrbCh HrCh STONEHAVEN PRIDE KISS FROM TUSCANY „Pepsi ” won champion class CAC, CACIB and BEST OF BREED. It was her 11th CACIB title, now she takes a bit rest.