
Scottlyme Midas Touch "Midas"
IntCh HCh HGCh HShCh Res. World Winner, Veteran European, Winner Veteran, World Winner with BOB

Stonehaven Pride Hard Rock "Rocky"
Int.Ch HJCH HCh HGCh HShCh SrbCh European Winner '21, Belgian Clubwinner BIS '19, Hungarian Clubwinner '21-'22, Slovak Clubwinner BIS '22

Torrino Pride Rock "Parker"
Hungarian Junior Champion, Hungarian Champion, Hungarian Show Champion, Minor Puppy European Winner, Hungarian Junior Clubwinner '22, Belgian Junior Clubwinner with Junior BIS '22

Stonehaven Pride Born To Be Magic "Potter"
Hungarian Junior Champion, Hungarian Champion, Hungarian Show Champion, Hungarian Grand Champion

Stonehaven Pride Queen's Guard "Luca"
Hungarian Junior Champion, International Junior Champion, Serbian Junior Champion

Stonehaven Pride Qatar Wings "Zafír"
Hungarian Junior Champion

Stonehaven Pride I'm Your Valentine "Jasper"
Hungarian Junior Champion